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Cory’s photographs captured the energy and artistry of the world’s most renowned musicians and athletes. As Director of Photography, he brought their performances to life through striking visual narratives that connect with audiences. This website design beautifully showcases his impressive portfolio of featured work with leading brands and artists like Nike Women’s Dance, Free People, Tate McRae, and J. Cole. It was designed by OFF THE HOUSE, a dynamic Las Vegas creative studio dedicated to innovative design and strategic storytelling. Our responsive, visually stunning website highlights your photography portfolio and cements your reputation as a leader in your field. Let’s dive in and explore how to create compelling projects.

The Importance of a Strong Website Design Portfolio

Your website design portfolio serves as a critical tool for showcasing your skills and experience to potential clients. As a creative professional, especially in a competitive field like web design, you must have a portfolio that effectively highlights your best work.

Your portfolio website essentially acts as your online resume and a marketing tool to attract new clients. It allows visitors to see concrete examples of your design skills and expertise. Be sure to include details on the specific contributions and services you provided for each project. Also discuss the objectives, target audiences, and outcomes for your featured work. This helps demonstrate your strategic thinking abilities and understanding of clients’ needs.

Feature a Variety of Projects

Include a range of web design projects that represent your abilities, such as responsive website designs, ecommerce sites, branding, UX/UI design, and more. Showcasing the diversity of your work will appeal to a wider range of potential clients with different needs. However, do not include too many examples, as this can seem overwhelming. Focus on your 5-10 best, most impactful projects.

Keep Your Portfolio Fresh

Update your portfolio regularly as you complete new web design projects. Remove any outdated or weak examples of your work. An up-to-date portfolio with your latest and best projects will keep you looking like an active and engaged professional. It also gives visitors a reason to return to your site, which can help with building brand awareness and lead generation.

With a strong, well-designed portfolio, you can establish yourself as a leading web design expert. Be sure to optimize your portfolio for search engines to increase visibility, and promote your services on social media platforms. By showcasing your talents to the right audiences, you will open up more opportunities to take on new, challenging web design projects.

Creating an Impactful Portfolio Website Design

As a creative professional, having an online portfolio website is essential to showcase your best work to potential clients and collaborators. For a director of photography like Cory Burmester, a portfolio website allows you to highlight your skills and talent through striking visuals and a well-designed user experience.

Choosing a Simple Yet Compelling Layout

For a portfolio website, a minimal layout with ample negative space allows your work to shine through as the primary focus. A single-page scrolling design, as implemented on Cory’s website, enables visitors to seamlessly scroll through project highlights without navigating away from the page. Subtle animations, like parallax scrolling and fade-ins, create visual interest without being distracting.

Curating a Cohesive Project Collection

Carefully curate a collection of your best work that demonstrates your abilities and style. For Cory, this includes featuring photos from various commercial shoots, artist portraits, lifestyle photography, and action sports. Group similar projects together and provide details on the client, your role, and any technical specifications for each work sample.

Establishing a Consistent Visual Style

Maintaining a consistent style, color scheme, and typography throughout your portfolio website helps to strengthen your personal brand. Cory’s website incorporates a minimal black and white color palette with pops of red, a bold sans serif font, and graphical elements like lines and geometric shapes that reinforce a sleek and modern aesthetic. These design touches are carried over to Cory’s logo and social media profiles as well for a cohesive brand experience.

With a well-designed portfolio website that showcases your talents and skills, you can make a strong impression on new and existing clients looking to collaborate. For a creative professional, an online portfolio is one of the most powerful tools you have to land new work opportunities and take your career to the next level.

Cory Burmester’s Website Design Portfolio by OFF THE HOUSE

Custom Web Design Services

OFF THE HOUSE provides custom web design services to showcase Cory Burmester’s creative portfolio in an innovative yet user-friendly manner. Our team of experienced web designers and developers create responsive websites tailored to your unique brand and needs. For Cory’s portfolio website, we implemented a minimalistic yet bold design with engaging visuals to highlight his featured photographic work with various high-profile clients.

Seamless User Experience

A seamless user experience is essential for showcasing a portfolio website. We optimized Cory’s website for intuitive navigation and fast loading times across all devices. The minimal design and concise copy allow his striking visuals to take center stage. A consistent style, spacing, and color scheme establish a sense of flow and harmony throughout the site. Every detail, from typography to hover effects, works together to create an immersive viewing experience that keeps visitors engaged. Our goal is for the website itself to demonstrate the same level of care, polish, and professionalism that Cory brings to all his creative work.

Transform Your Online Presence

Whether you’re a creative professional, small business, or large organization, we can help transform your online presence. Our innovative web design, captivating visuals, and strategic storytelling will showcase your brand in its best light. Contact us today to discuss how we can bring your vision to life and connect with new audiences on the web.

Showcasing Your Best Work Through Website Design

A Strategic Online Presence

An impactful website acts as a strategic tool to showcase your best work. As a director of photography, having a polished web presence is essential to attracting new clients and collaborators. A well-designed portfolio website allows you to highlight your skills and talents through curated project examples. By displaying your work through engaging visuals and a user-friendly interface, you demonstrate your creative abilities to visitors.

Visual Impact

Compelling photography and videography are integral to an artist’s website. Featuring visually striking images of previous work immediately captures the viewer’s attention and interest. Strategically choose impactful photos, behind-the-scenes shots, and video clips to display the quality and style of your work. Keep your portfolio updated with new projects to show the depth and range of your experience.

A Seamless User Experience

An intuitive website with a seamless user experience is key. Easy navigation, minimal clutter, and visual cohesion allow visitors to efficiently browse your work. Responsive design ensures your site displays properly across devices. Keep the overall style consistent but vary section layouts to sustain interest. Prioritize project examples, keeping descriptions concise yet compelling. An “About” section allows you to share your creative vision and passion for your craft.

Building Your Reputation

A well-designed portfolio website is an opportunity to strengthen your reputation and brand. By highlighting prestigious clients, awards, publications, and other accomplishments, you build credibility. Share testimonials from satisfied clients. An impactful website, paired with your talent and experience, positions you as an industry leader. Continually optimizing your online presence will lead to new opportunities and allow your business to flourish.

In summary, a polished website is essential for any artist. Strategically showcasing your work through visuals and an engaging user experience will attract new clients and strengthen your reputation. With a website that reflects your creative talent, the possibilities for collaboration and career growth are endless.

Website Design Portfolios FAQs

What are the benefits of a portfolio website?

A portfolio website allows you to showcase your work to potential clients in an organized, professional manner. It gives you an online presence where visitors can view samples of your past projects, read about your experience, and learn more about your services. For creative professionals like photographers, designers, and developers, a portfolio website is essential for promoting your business and securing new clients.

What should I include on my portfolio website?

An effective portfolio website should include:

  • A gallery featuring samples of your best work. For photographers, include a variety of your strongest photos. For designers, showcase web designs, graphics, UI/UX projects, etc. Keep your gallery updated with new projects as you complete them.
  • A bio or about page highlighting your background, experience, skills, and accomplishments. Help visitors get a sense of your style and expertise.
  • Service or product pages describing in more detail what you offer. For a photography portfolio, you might have separate pages for weddings, events, product photography, etc.
  • Testimonials or reviews from satisfied clients. Share what others have said about working with you and your services.
  • Contact information like your phone number, email, and social media profiles. Make it easy for potential clients to get in touch with you.
  • A simple yet modern design that is easy to navigate. Your website’s appearance and functionality reflect your skills and design sensibility. Keep the focus on your work and make sure all links function properly.
  • Search engine optimization. Use keywords, internal links, meta tags, and alt image attributes to improve your rankings in search results. An SEO-optimized portfolio website will get more organic traffic.
  • A mobile-friendly responsive design. With more people accessing websites on their phones and tablets, your portfolio must display well on all devices. A responsive design automatically adapts to the screen size used to view the site.

How much do portfolio websites cost?

The cost to design a portfolio website can range from $500 to $6,000 or more, depending on the complexity of the site and whether you hire a freelance web designer or a digital agency. Building your own site using a DIY website builder like Wix, Weebly, or SquareSpace can be very affordable, starting at $0 to $30/month. However, a custom designed site may appear more professional. Shop around and compare quotes to find a solution that fits your needs and budget.


As you’ve seen, OFF THE HOUSE created an impactful portfolio website design that showcases Cory Burmester’s impressive work as a director of photography. The stylish design and intuitive navigation provide an engaging experience that highlights Cory’s talent and creativity. This project demonstrates OFF THE HOUSE’s ability to develop custom websites that effectively promote clients and their work online. If you need an agency that can design an online presence to showcase your best assets, consider OFF THE HOUSE. Their innovative design, visual storytelling, and strategic approach will help you make a lasting impression.